Checklists for before, during, and after a fuel delivery to an underground storage tank.
All underground storage tank systems are required to have both spill and overfill prevention, unless the UST never receives more than 25 gallons of product at a time.
Missing leak detection records can add to your expenses and may place your facility on a delivery prohibition list. Check out this list of tips for assistance and peace of mind.
Why do UST regulations vary from state to state if there are federal regulations? The US EPA allows states to submit their own plans, called State Program Approvals (SPA), that set criteria for the state to operate in lieu of the federal programs.
Thinking of upgrading or installing new UST equipment? Make sure you and your service company are adhering to the recommended practices and requirements set forth by federal and state regulators.
UST facilities are required to keep metallic system components that frequently hold petroleum products safe from corrosion. Each method designed to cathodically protect these elements requires different maintenance and reporting.
New EPA regulations require that release or "leak" detection equipment be tested at least annually. Three methods of testing have been approved by the EPA.
Owners and operators aren’t powerless in stopping a release, spill, or overfill from occurring. With cleanup costs averaging $130,000 nationwide, now is the time to implement an effective preventative maintenance program.